Where is Camp Awosting?

     Camp Awosting is located in the Northwest corner of Connecticut. The map below shows approximately where it is. It really isn't located in any town, but it is closest to Bantam and Litchfield, situated on Bantam Lake.

     Here is a list of approx driving times from a couple towns.

New York, NY 100 miles 1 1/2 hr - 2 hrs
Boston, MA 135 miles 2 1/2 hrs - 3 hrs
Columbus, OH 673 miles apx. 10 hrs
Chicago, IL 862 miles apx. 14 hrs
Moline, IL 1,010 miles apx. 16 hrs
Des Moines, IA 1,193 miles apx. 19 hrs

For those who are flying . . .

     The nearest airport is Bradley International Airport (BDL). It is located about a half hour north of Hartford. It is a big airport, so you should be able to rent a car or do anything you want to do from there.

     Click HERE to see a map on how to get from Bradley Airport to camp. (It's a large pic file so it may take a couple seconds to open) Here are the text directions on how to get there.

     If you are coming from any other airport, I would suggest clicking on the Yahoo! Maps link below to map a set of directions.

For those who are driving . . .

     Since the wedding is in Connecticut, and the majority of the people attending are not from Connecticut, there are too many different sets of directions. So what I have done is shown a map of the general area around Camp and a link so you can create your own set of directions using Yahoo! Maps. Just click on the following link and it will create driving directions for you from where ever you want to start.

[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Directions to Camp Awosting

Click for bigger picture

     The official address for camp is:
            Camp Awosting
            296 West Street
            Lakeside, CT 06763

     If you don't like Yahoo! Maps or have any questions, please e-mail me at ckelley03@yahoo.com or give me a call at 309-912-4735 and I will help you get directions.

Specific driving directions from Boston, New York City, and the West are coming soon.

Main Wedding Page
The Wedding Home Page
General Camp Info
Briefly describes Camp Awosting and why we chose to have our wedding there
Lodging Info
Info about the camp if you are staying there, or info about local hotels
Area Info
For those who are coming early or staying late, here are some things you can do around the area
Where is Bantam, CT? Click here to find out.
Click above for the official Camp Awosting website